This new year arrives with plenty of good news we are happy to share with you:
First of all, the 2022 harvest will be very good, despite very hot temperatures and the lack of water this summer. Still, some beautiful wines should result from this hectic times.
Then, some rewards : gold medal for Château Vieux Bonneau 2020 at the Concours de Bordeaux, a beautiful star by the Hachette Guide for Envie 2019.
An increase of exports to foreign markets: Japan, China, Hong-Kong, Cambodia, Norway, Czech Republic, Brazil, USA, Belgium, Germany, UK…
We are just sad to announce that we could not produce L’Envie 2021. But the 2022 will be absolutely gorgeous!
Last but not least, meet us at The Salon des caves particulières de Strasbourg (3rd to 6th February 2023).