Category Archives: actualites

The wine world is going through some hectic times these years but our passion is still there! Each harvest is a new challenge for wine makers. To win this challenge, your support is crucial!

As per each year, the domain received some beautiful rewards. Silver medal at the Concours de Lyon for Château Vieux-Bonneau 2021 and silver too for Château Jamard Belcour 2021 at the Concours de Bordeaux.

Do not miss our next shows

Salon des Vignerons (Lille), from 15/11 to 18/11 – E13
Salon de Paris, from 28/11 to 01/12 – C4


Here are some good autumn news after a promising 2023 harvest.
Let’s start with the rewards. A gold medla at the Concours des Vignerons Indépendants for L’Envie 2018, a gold medal at the Concours de Bordeaux for Château Jamard Belcour 2020 and a beautiful star in the Guide Hachette for Château Vieux Bonneau 2020.
Please not that due to climate reasons, there will be no Hôte Antique and Envie in 2021.
Last but not least, our son, Antoine, just joined us at the domain. You can easily imagine how happy we are!

Meet us a the Salon des Vignerons Indépendants:
Lille from 17/11 to 20/11 – Stand B45
Paris (Porte de Versailles) from 30/11 to 03/12 – Stand G49