Author Archives: calou92fd

The wine world is going through some hectic times these years but our passion is still there! Each harvest is a new challenge for wine makers. To win this challenge, your support is crucial!

As per each year, the domain received some beautiful rewards. Silver medal at the Concours de Lyon for Château Vieux-Bonneau 2021 and silver too for Château Jamard Belcour 2021 at the Concours de Bordeaux.

Salon des Vignerons indépendants in Strasbourg:

Meet us from 14/02 to 17/02 – Boot K20
To receive your invitation, please follow these links : private / professionals

Here are some good autumn news after a promising 2023 harvest.
Let’s start with the rewards. A gold medla at the Concours des Vignerons Indépendants for L’Envie 2018, a gold medal at the Concours de Bordeaux for Château Jamard Belcour 2020 and a beautiful star in the Guide Hachette for Château Vieux Bonneau 2020.
Please not that due to climate reasons, there will be no Hôte Antique and Envie in 2021.
Last but not least, our son, Antoine, just joined us at the domain. You can easily imagine how happy we are!

Meet us a the Salon des Vignerons Indépendants:
Lille from 17/11 to 20/11 – Stand B45
Paris (Porte de Versailles) from 30/11 to 03/12 – Stand G49

This new year arrives with plenty of good news we are happy to share with you:

First of all, the 2022 harvest will be very good, despite very hot temperatures and the lack of water this summer. Still, some beautiful wines should result from this hectic times.
Then, some rewards : gold medal for Château Vieux Bonneau 2020 at the Concours de Bordeaux, a beautiful star by the Hachette Guide for Envie 2019.
An increase of exports to foreign markets: Japan, China, Hong-Kong, Cambodia, Norway, Czech Republic, Brazil, USA, Belgium, Germany, UK…
We are just sad to announce that we could not produce L’Envie 2021. But the 2022 will be absolutely gorgeous!

Last but not least, meet us at The Salon des caves particulières de Strasbourg (3rd to 6th February 2023).

Just like every year, we will attend the Salon des Vignerons Indépendants.

In Strasbourg:
From march 25th to 27th – C39

Please come to meet us and taste the recently awarded Chateau Vieux Bonneau which received a beautiful gold medal at the Concours de Bordeaux.

As announced in 2019, our experimental cuvée aged in amphora is now available. We are particularly proud of the result named: l’Hôte Antique. This wine is sold in a very original box. A good idea for Christmas presents… but hurry up, we only produced a limited amount of bottles.

Also, the Château Vieux Bonneau and Jamard Belcour 2018 received the Gold medal in Lyon and the bronze medal in Bordeaux. L’Envie 2016 is out of stock.

Also, I you probably guessed, the Vignerons Indépendant fairs are cancelled.

Enjoy life and good wines!

Always curious and looking for news processes and new flavours, the domain recently started an experiment with amphorae for a part of its 2018 harvest. The result will be included in our catalog in 2020.

For this new challenge, we thought we should invite our customers and relatives to take part to it. We therefore propose you to find a name for this new wine. The winner will be granted with the first 6 bottles!

You can send your proposals until 31/01/2020 simply by email:
We are looking forward to read you!

Just like every year, we will attend the Salon des Vignerons Indépendants.
Please come and meet us:

In Lille :
From November 15th to 18th 2019 – Booth A32
In Paris :
From November 28th to December 1st 2019 – Booth  J13

The year 2018 comes as a relief and offers a beautiful harvest. We are also happy to announce you that L’Envie 2015 just received a beautiful reward from the Guide Hachette: 2 stars, no less!

Please come to taste it at the domain or at the Salons des Vignerons Indépendants:

Lille, from the 19th to 22nd of November 2018 stand D63
Paris (Porte de Versailles), from the 28th of November to the 2nd of December 2018 stand A10
Strasbourg, from the 22nd to the 25th of February 2019 stand C127

We will attend the Salon des Vignerons Indépendants 2017/2018. Please come to meet us and taste our wines:

Lille, from November 17th to 20th 2017
Paris (Porte de Versailles), from November 30th to December 4th 2017
Strasbourg, from February 16th to 19th 2018

We will attend the Salon des Vignerons Indépendants 2015 and 2016. Please come to meet us and taste our wines:

Lille, from November 20th to 23rd 2015 – Stand C16
Paris (Porte de Versailles), from November 26th to 30th 2015 – Stand A54
Strasbourg, from February 19th to 22nd 2016